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Heritage Services


We offer heritage consultation for various works throughout Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, the South West and further afield. This can vary to include repair and refurbishment schedules, statements of significance, heritage impact assessments and other specialist reports. Please look through a selection of our services available below to see if you think we can help you. 
What type of heritage work can we do?

The types of work we undertake can vary and includes completing feasibility studies, plan drawings, repair and refurbishment schedules, statements of significance, and other specialist reports. Chartwood Planning can provide a wide range of heritage planning consultant related issues such as:
  • Listed Building Consent Applications
  • Heritage research, advice and management strategies
  • Specialist assessments of heritage significance and setting
  • Heritage statements, heritage impact assessments, site appraisals and statements of significance
  • Pre-Application discussions and advice
  • Preparation and submission of planning applications and listed building consents
  • Development advice related to conservation areas and listed buildings
  • Providing scale drawings for planning applications and listed building consents
Conservation involves the care and, where appropriate, the suitable management of change to heritage assets in ways that sustain and enhance significance. We can provide an expert and specialist heritage consultant and conservation services to promote and manage change to heritage assets in a way that meets your needs. When dealing with listed buildings we seek an early understanding of those heritage assets that may be affected by change and then provide advice and inform suitable strategies for your proposed development.

We utilise our extensive heritage consultant skills, coupled with our strength and depth of academic knowledge, research skills and practical experience to provide the very best proposals for all, believing that good development proposals come from understanding heritage significance and setting. Taking this approach allows us to assist you in developing, maintaining or bringing heritage buildings back into use whilst retaining their special historic values.

We understand that sometimes a little well placed advice from a listed building or heritage consultant, based upon a good conservation philosophy, can have a really positive effect on your proposals and make a difference in achieving a successful outcome.
Heritage Statements & Impact Assessments

The purpose of the statement is to help you understand your building and to inform those who are making decisions (generally, the Council's as the Local Planning Authority) regarding the proposed work in respect of:
  • The significance of the heritage asset and its setting
  • Any impact that the proposed work may have upon this significance
  • Any measures proposed to reduce this impact
  • Elements of the proposed development that may enhance the significance
  • Clear and convincing justification for the proposals
When proposing works to an historic and/or listed building Councils may often require a completed Heritage Statement or Heritage Impact Assessment to accompany a planning application or listed building consent prior to any works commencing.

The National Planning Policy Framework states that local authorities “…should require an applicant to describe the significance of any heritage asset affected, including any contribution made by their setting…” and “…the level of detail should be proportionate to the asset’s importance and no more than is sufficient to understand the potential impact of the proposal on their significance.”
What can we do for you?

This requirement can be addressed by the proper completion and submission of a Heritage Statement. Such statements ought to be prepared for any proposed developments that might affect:
  • Listed buildings and structures within their curtilage
  • Conservation Areas
  • Scheduled Monuments
  • Registered Parks and Gardens
  • Locally Listed Building
We can produce a Heritage Statement or Historic Impact Assessment to include details of the building’s history and development, an up to date photographic record, survey drawings, an assessment of significance and the impact of the proposed works, a clear and convincing statement of justification and details of any positive mitigation measures appropriate.

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 
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